This is where we found
The quintessence of Japan


La French Touch is a one-of-a-kind work of art that brings together the most beautiful discoveries from the terroirs of Japan that La French Touch has traveled.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the producers who have created gems of products.

The one and only treasure
chest by the Garnier brothers

Located in the Yamanashi Prefecture, right at the foot of mount Fuji, the “Garnier brothers”, whose father is an organist by name, put their heart and soul into creating this one and only special box in the world. The fragrance of the Japanese camphor tree invites you on a special sensory journey.

Boris and Mathieu, have skillfully combined traditional Japanese furniture-making techniques with modern, artistic touches to the grain of the box by Boris and Mathieu have skillfully combined traditional Japanese furniture-making techniques with modern, artistic touches to the grain of the box by electrolyzing the wood surface. Each piece is painstakingly produced by hand.

All of the Japanese artisans we have met have a passion for passing on their skills and knowledge, or for promoting their traditions.

Each of La French Touch’s selections has its own unique process and history, its own exquisite craftsmanship, or the inheritance of an ancestral tradition. The art of these producers and craftsmen offers many discoveries.

Due to the characteristics of terroir, climate, geography, and ocean, Japanese soil is diverse and fertile. As chefs, we believe we have a mission to connect producers and consumers.


The bond between producers and ingredients.

Uniq treasure containing carefully selected gems in a handmade wooden box

Our vision and cooking methods for the ingredients are gathered in a box for each Japanese region.

Carefully selected local and organically grown and using raw materials

LA BOX products are sourced by the chef himself, who travels to local markets and communicates directly with producers. We use only carefully selected ingredients that are local and organic, and we buy only from producers and manufacturers who insist on traditional methods and handmade products.

De-plasticizing and de-using for a beautiful natural environment

From the standpoint of environmental conservation, LA BOX tries to avoid plastic packaging whenever possible, and to choose recyclable containers such From the standpoint of environmental conservation, LA BOX tries to avoid plastic packaging whenever possible, and to choose recyclable containers such as bottles. We also deliver products in original boxes as a way to reduce the use of disposable packaging materials.

Chef's Philosophy and Sense of Style gathered in a speacial booklet "Learning from the past ".

What attracted top French chefs to Japanese food culture? As the title “Onko Chishin” suggests, there must be a “rediscovery” of Japanese.

Please enjoy it with the French-Japanese collaboration recipe devised by the chef using the products in the box.

Original reusable boxes with French flair

The French do not like to throw things away quickly and enjoy reusing them. To reduce packaging materials, our idea was to send items in beautiful boxes that would not be thrown away. After many prototypes, we have created an original box that can be used for a long time.

The shape is inspired by a Japanese stacked box, with two storage spaces, one on the top and one on the bottom.
It can be used as a tray for watches, keys, and accessories.
The beautiful outer box with an abstract painting motif was created by chef François Audrin, who is also an artist.
Please feel the attitude of not forgetting art in your daily life.

Please select the prefecture of your choice
